The happy list
When EmmaMarie and I visited RespiteCare last week her goal was to goal was to learn what made the kids there happy. She’s in the process of writing an original piece – “My Happy Song” just for these kids. See more about that visit here.
EmmaMarie emailed the list that she created that day. It’s broken down by the groups of kids – the pebbles, rocks and boulders.
Remembering that these kids have special needs, they were great at expressing themselves and knowing what makes them happy. This list could’ve come from any one, regardless of age or condition. Well except for the one item – ZOMBIES… We’ll have to talk to that boy! Actually when he said that, I asked him if zombies were real. He grinned and said no. But then was quick to add that they would be real – at the zombie apocalypse!
Just reading this list makes us at Chase the Music happy! How about you?
I’ll type the list out, so that the search engines (and our mobile viewers) can see too.
Happy Things
- Bugs
- Pajamas
- Angry Birds
- Playing in the sand
- Puzzles
- Books
- Music
- Slide
- Wheels
- Going fast
- Princess
- Standing up
- Holding hands
- Hugging
- Music
- Balls
- Drawing
- Friends
- Cheese Puffs
- Horses
- R2D2
- Guitar
- Mom’s love
- Family
- Secret handshake
- Brother
Boulders and others
- Being here
- Giving hugs
- Tooth Fairy
- Minions
- Singing
- Finding friends like me
- Superheros with powers
- New friends
- Video games
- Reading
- Zombies
- Bubble Bath
- Workers at Respit
- Dogs
- Chucky Cheese
- Fast cars
- Key Chains
- Watching out for others
- Keeping people safe
- Watching fans go round and round
- Minecraft
- Closing doors